Hair style
Pega con shampoo e conditioner
25 €Styling with shampoo and conditioner -
Piega lunga
30 €Long styling -
Piega con attrezzi a caldo
35 €Styling with heat tools -
25 €haircut -
Regolata taglio
18 €Adjusted cut
Hair color
Colore ammonia free
50 €Ammonia free color -
Ritocco colore
30 €Color retouch -
Colpi di sole / Balayage
70 €Highlights / Balayage -
Shatoush / Painting
70 €Shatoush / Painting -
10 €Cachet -
Decolorazione completa
50/70 €Complete discoloration -
Tones semipermanente
25 €Semi-permanent tones -
Toner colorante diretto
10 €Direct dye toner
Shampoo o balsamo colorato
5 €Tinted shampoo or conditioner -
Trattamenti curativi con ossigeno
20 €Curative treatments with oxygen -
Keratina lisciante (2 ore)
8 € al grammoSmoothing keratin (2 hours) -
Piega con keratina trattante e rimpolpante
50 €Styling with treating and plumping keratin